5675 La Costa Drive Suite C Orlando, FL 32807

+1 (407) 9007-245

+1 (407) 9007-245

+1 (305) 393-8607

7550 Futures Dr Office 206 Orlando, FL 32819

Restaurant insurance

Protect your assets

Basic coverage for your assets
All risks material damage, fire and / or lightning, explosion, extension of shelters (smoke, gale, hail, impact of aircraft or vehicles, strong winds), water damage, flooding, landslides.

Automatic limits: breakage of glass, mirrors and sanitary facilities, refrigerated goods and / or food, removal of debris, extinction expenses, preservation and fees, replacement of files, damage or loss of values, additional expenses, fires and / or lightning in electronic devices. and / or electronic, damage to boilers, pots or other appliances that generate steam from their own explosion, temporary transfer of equipment and machinery, property of employees, damage lost by dispatches to homes.
Optional Coverage
Earthquake, tremor and / or volcanic eruption, tsunami, tsunami.Mutiny strike, riot, civil commotion, malicious acts of third parties.Internal damage to electronic equipment, computer electronics and mobile and electronic equipment.Expenses for the replacement of information.Machinery breakdown.Theft qualified to content; qualified theft of values ​​inside and outside the safe, theft of values ​​in transit.Simple theft of office equipment.Damage for: attempted crime.

How start?

Easy Way to Get Our Professional
Insurance Services


Step 01

Choose the type of insurance you want from our website and send your information for a professional evaluation


Step 02

Our agents come to you and take care of the entire process.


Step 03

Access our insurance services and enjoy complete coverage.

Welcome to SENIC Insurance Group, your trusted leader in Florida insurance. With a proven track record of providing quality protection, superior customer service, and competitive rates, we stand out among Florida insurance agencies. Our commitment to educating and guiding clients ensures you make the right decisions for your insurance needs.

Choose SENIC Insurance Group for:

  • Quality protection across auto, home, business, life, health, and annuity products.
  • Superior customer service and personalized attention to your insurance concerns.
  • Competitive rates that offer value and peace of mind for your protection needs.

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